Thursday 10 April 2008

The dangers of terrorism

Since the September 11, 2001 attacks, every time when we talk about terrorism people will turn pale and become very nervous. Indeed, terrorism breaks the peace of the whole world. That is also why people need to understand the dangerous of terrorism.

From my point of view, the terrorism threatens the peace of every country. Since terrorism is unpredictable, it is relatively hard to be controlled. For instance, nobody would come up with the idea that the World Trade Center would be crashed by airplane before it really happened. As we know, many people died in this catastrophe and American paid a lot to recover from it. After that, Bush did a series of actions to appeal people to fight against the terrorism which is likewise supported by many countries (however the truth of his action is another trick related to economy that I won’t mention). Even though some of these actions cannot be totally regarded as justice, it did help people realize the significance of antiterrorism. Not only does the terrorism cause immensurable damages to a country, but also destroys the social stability. More crimes will be committed and many locals will move away from these places following the terrorism attacks. So the economic development will be dragged.

Moreover the terrorism can also undo one’s life. Imagine that the father who supports the whole family is killed by terrorists. His children, his wife and this family lose the financial support. What will happen? The wife will seek for more jobs to afford daily cost and the children may drop out of school. What’s worse, some children may become orphan after the terrorism attacks. Besides, people will become more nervous and sensitive. Even some people were lucky enough to survival from the terrorism; the majority would suffer from serious mental problem. They may get insomnia, schizophrenia and depression which will result in the increase of unemployment and divorce.

We have to admit that terrorism cannot be settled down easily by one country, and we still do not find an appropriate and efficient way to cope with it. Some may even use antiterrorism as an excuse to cause a war. China is also facing all the difficulties when dealing with Tibet problems. I love my country very much and I hope all the unrest will be settled peacefully.


KHIEM said...

In my opinion, Tibetan problem is not caused by terrorists. It is simply an anti-government demonstration by a group of people who want some interest.

Su Mon said...

What khiem said is kind of true but that is not only the reason ...

Brad Blackstone said...

Thank you very much, Shi Yi for this thoughtful post.
Terrorism is a huge issue today, exacerbated by the attack on America on 9/11. It was my wish then and it is my hope now that the wise leaders of the world will look for the root causes that insoire people to become terrorists. I fear that only when those causes are addressed seriously with dialogue and commitment will this modern reign of terror end.

Thank you all your hard work this term. I really appreciate your effort!

Minh said...

I do not blame terrorists at all, guy. Sometimes, the terrorists are born because of conflicts between two countries that innocent people do not deserve for the death.

CAROT said...

I do not care much about the political problems.However, if they are paid by other innocent people's lives.It is not acceptable

attaboy said...

I agree that the Tibet affire was an conspire rather than a movement for freedom. It was a group of people who wanna control the region and benifit from it.