Tuesday 11 March 2008


Several problems have become the main catalysts for climate change in China from the 1990s to now. One major element is deforestation or desertification. Due to overpopulation, water and the most other natural resources are not enough to meet the demands for Chinese people. However, the most crucial need is to have enough space for farming. Because of the limited arable land, large scales of trees have been felled to give room for agriculture. As a result, the forest ecosystem is destroyed and the soil is exposed to the air. Without flora keeping the water in the soil, the soil is poorer and desertification appears. What’s worse, together with the deforestation, more climate disasters take place, like drought, sandstorm, floods and typhoon. Research has shown that sandstorms happen more frequently in the northeast part of China, from 9 times in 1999 to 18 times in 2006. Moreover, gas emission is another reason that leads to the climate changes. The dense population, smoke-belching factories and the large numbers of diesel vehicles have made for dangerous levels of nitrogen oxide and nitrogen dioxide, especially in big cities in China such as Beijing and Hong Kong. According to research at the University of Hong Kong, the air in Hong Kong contains almost three times more soot and other pollutants than New York's and more than twice that of London. (Ying Lou, 2007). Gas emission will also cause acid rain which can damage flora, animals and constructions fatally.

In conclusion, deforestation and gas emission are the two main catalysts for climate change in China. Sandstorms, typhoons, acid rain and many other natural disasters will be caused by these two problems.


Syeda said...

I thought China Would be in a better position than London or States..but, to my utter astonishment it is not!!! But then it is quite natural...China is big enough so more susceptible to such problems:(

Yao Chengzhi said...

hi,man.perfect story, come to my blog if u r free thx