Sunday 2 March 2008

Comparison and contrast

Since I came to Singapore, I have found several differences on dealing with water problems between Singapore and my country. China has much more serious water pollution comparing to Singapore due to the lack of awareness for recycling water and large human population.
The Chinese government has spent more than 30 years trying to find a high efficient method to clean the water which has been polluted already. However, we are still aiming at how to clean the polluted water and how to improve the working efficiency. During these 30 years, the local governments had tried thousands of times to clean moats and lakes which were polluted by the local and travelers. Even though they tried pumping the water dry, and cleaned all the mud and the garbage up, people still kept throwing litter and pouring used water into the moat or the lake. However, in Singapore you cannot see people littering or pouring waste into the river, because a series of strict laws have been set up to prohibit people doing this. Hence, Singaporean put more effort on water recycle to relieve the vexation of water shortage.
Why cannot the Chinese government follow Singapore’s steps? Maybe population is one of the main reasons that we need to take into consideration. Because of the huge population in china, it is not easy to put a set of laws, which is reasonable for every province, into practice and it is also very complicated due to the Chinese basic condition.

(thanks fo sumon's kindly editing)


Brad Blackstone said...

Thanks for posting this very critical analysis of China's way of dealing with litter and water pollution. Yes, you actually are dealing with two related but different topics here, one being litter and the other water pollution. Water pollution generally refers to the way that ground water is affected by chemicals either consciously dumped or unconsciously spilled into the earth or into bodies of water such as rivers, lakes, moats and the sea. Both of these topics merit further discussion. Your paragraph would be better if it was better focused.

Syeda said...

Another factor can be the attitudes of the Chinese...if they do not want to improve no rules and regulations can affect them properly...this is also the case in my country:(

Pascal Gekko said...

To clean the environment, a country has to do it together with all of its people. Its people must be educated about environment. No matter how efficient and how great the technology is, if people keep destroying the environment, even the greatest technology will not be able to stand it.