Saturday 26 January 2008

Meaning of life

What is the meaning of life? You and I keep seeking an answer to this question for our whole life.

“Nothing but surviving”, perhaps, is the most basic expression of life. However, when people started to cogitate about the truth of the universe and try to figure out why they live on the earth, life became meaningful. Every life cannot get rid of the tragedy of death. That is also the reason that we hope to fulfill our lives with success and profundities.

Teachers and patents kept on telling me what a life is from the time I was educated. I, also, was educated that life is to sacrifice and I am not living for myself but for the others and the people who need help. But the meaning of real life becomes clearer and clearer as I grow up. In my opinion, life is reality which forces you keep going without regretting. Life is so cruel that I do not have so much to dream or to image. Life is so real that relationship between two people is always built up on the foundation of interests. And life is so difficult that you need to think from birth to death.

Life is not easy and only suffering wakes people up. On this learning process the more we experience the more we can realize. Until the day when we are lying on the bed and preparing the last time to close our eyes, we will find the real meaning of lives! There is an old saying in Chinese---“A heavy snow foresees the harvest.” I think life is like melting snow. When it is gone everything will be back as usual and the only thing can be remembered is not your name was but the real things that you did in your life.


attaboy said...

Finally,i see your work.well done! You let me recall a lot of things I enjoyed when I was in China.What a good 'a heavy snow foresees a harvest next year'!I like it. Keep it up...But try to avoid your chinese style when you write.

Brad Blackstone said...

This is a well written and insightful post. I like many of your comments, but a few statements stand out, including
" Life is not easy and only suffering wakes people up."

I'd say that "yes, possibly"....or maybe suffering puts some people to sleep, morally, emotionally, spiritually and even physically.

kazima said...

yes ,actually, I really agree what you said. And it is also what I really want to stress. Experience and suffering can wake people up, but it is only for those who survived form difficulties. In other words, I mean, this is only for the bravest. And I also will spend my whole life to be a brave man on both physique and spirit.