Wednesday 30 January 2008

main means when dealing with environmental problems

Now China is facing a dilemma. Because of the rapid development on technology, natural resources and our living circumstances are being sacrificed. Therefore, I think that setting up a series of complete laws is the main means to deal with environmental problems, because when laws are set up, there is an invisible hand forcing people to think about the relationship between human beings and environment and to form the sense of environmental protection as well. Actually, the unsustainable usages of natural resources are always caused by exponential developments on technology which are costly and bring unborn suffering. One of the most miserable cases is the chemical factory blast in Jilin province on 6th April 2006. 100 tons of benzene was released into Songhua River, forcing Harbin to shut down its water system for almost one month. Furthermore, the water was also deadly polluted which killed thousands tons of fishes. We cannot avoid accident. However we should have the sense to protect ourselves as well as the environment before or after accidents. What laws do is to persuade and force people to fulfill their duties. Because the environmental law in China is not complete, the majority still think that environmental protection is not crucially related to our daily life. That is the reason why you can find plastic bags and waste batteries on the grass but not in the dustbin. Therefore, I believe when dealing with environmental problems we have to put a series of feasible laws into practice.

( my blogging buddy is Mr. Pascal )

Monday 28 January 2008




一年了,时间总是飞快,从指缝间溜走,感觉抓得住,却又事与愿违。来到新加坡,感觉堕落了不少,不知道该去追求,不知道该去拼搏。人性的弱点。。被激发得淋漓尽致。前些天思考了生命的意义,发现真实的让我无法接受。 是该用自己的行动充实,还是随着命运的浪花,随性的拍打在冰冷的礁岩上?我不知道。有时总感觉自己能做什么,但是思想。。。每每在我要用积极的态度去调动它时,变得泥泞,像在泥潭之中挣扎。。越来越累,直到静止,沉默,死亡。。。我不愿意给自己一个目标,因为那是中国应试教育下,压迫学生的附加产物。但是我时时刻刻总在为自己寻找动力。来源。。。总是和结果一样,模糊,迷离,缥缈,消失不在。





Sunday 27 January 2008

The environmental problem

China is having a rapid growth on both economy and technology today. However, to some extent, we must sacrifice the environment to develop technology. On the other hand, the environmental law is still not complete and sophisticated. But when new laws are set up certain usage of technology will be affected. Hence when we talk about the environmental problem, there are always two different sounds. Here also comes my question

"which is the main means when dealing with environmental problems, technology or law?"

Saturday 26 January 2008

Meaning of life

What is the meaning of life? You and I keep seeking an answer to this question for our whole life.

“Nothing but surviving”, perhaps, is the most basic expression of life. However, when people started to cogitate about the truth of the universe and try to figure out why they live on the earth, life became meaningful. Every life cannot get rid of the tragedy of death. That is also the reason that we hope to fulfill our lives with success and profundities.

Teachers and patents kept on telling me what a life is from the time I was educated. I, also, was educated that life is to sacrifice and I am not living for myself but for the others and the people who need help. But the meaning of real life becomes clearer and clearer as I grow up. In my opinion, life is reality which forces you keep going without regretting. Life is so cruel that I do not have so much to dream or to image. Life is so real that relationship between two people is always built up on the foundation of interests. And life is so difficult that you need to think from birth to death.

Life is not easy and only suffering wakes people up. On this learning process the more we experience the more we can realize. Until the day when we are lying on the bed and preparing the last time to close our eyes, we will find the real meaning of lives! There is an old saying in Chinese---“A heavy snow foresees the harvest.” I think life is like melting snow. When it is gone everything will be back as usual and the only thing can be remembered is not your name was but the real things that you did in your life.

Wednesday 23 January 2008

Hello World!

Hello World!

Hello, yes, it's you! Welcome to my snow world~

This is a new blogging home, and I prepare to post both Chinese and English articles in my future blogging, cuz it's not the white board only for EG 1471 homework, right?

Best wishes for all my visiters!